Sunday, January 17, 2021

A spy soldier


Once there was a kingdom named Shambhupur. Thieves troubled the people of the

kingdom. Hence, the king decided to find a solution to the problem. He asked

his minister to suggest a plan to get hold of the thieves. The minister thought for

a while and suggested that a soldier be sent as a spy to the thieves group so that

he can pass on all the information. "Before catching the thieves we need to catch

the gang leader" said the minister. "What you said is absolutely right, as the

gang's leader has lion's share in the money that is stolen by the thieves" said the

king. In due course of time, the thieves were caught with the help of the spy-

spy-soldier. The king rewarded the minister with 100 gold coins.


mahavidyaa said...

smart minister! but it would be fun if spying of soldier would also be part of your story!!

rashmi r jois said...

So the moral is the leader holds a great accounting from crime